Tag: Shipping
Safety is luckily of highest importance to most marine professionals around the world and it's being followed up, inspected and measured in detail.
We are very proud to work with two ferry companies that have made safety their highest priority.
Swedish Stena Line and Danish DFDS have invested in our PAS 028:2002 certified marine helmets equipped with insertable headsets with a "Military Grade" (meaning they are not just claiming to be waterproof-they ARE waterproof for real and will continue to be so for many, many years). Ensuring the MOB/FRB (Man Over Board / Fast Rescue Boat) operators are well protected and able to communicate no matter what weather or noise they are exposed to.
These headsets are adaptable to VHFs, UHFs and radios such as MOTOROLA, ENTEL, ICOM, GARMIN, TETRA, SAILOR etc.
If you and your organization are interested in these products, please contact us for more information and we will be happy to help you. info@safeatsea.se or +46763160470.
Safe at Sea - Safe at Work