We are pleased to announce that Safe at Sea AB has been granted “Region Västra Götaland funding for Research and Development” in small and medium sized companies. The purpose of this funding is to drive development of companies and projects for sustainable growth but also to create more jobs, enable companies to be competitive on a global basis as well as contributing to a more energy effective production.
Since last year (2016) Safe at Sea has been applying for this funding with the aim to further develop the RescueRunner. The project will focus on evaluating more sustainable engine options.
It has been a long process of proving that this will add scientific knowledge and competence to the company, that it will develop the company’s product portfolio and strengthen Safe at Sea’s competitiveness on the global market. The project must also be based in a market- and customer need.
“We are very proud that we have been granted this funding. It proves that Region Västra Götaland believe in what we are doing, our plan for the future and our assessment of the market”, says CEO Kaj Lehtovaara.
The project needs to be performed in close connection with a university which is why it will be carried out together with Chalmers Industriteknik.
The grant from Region Västra Götaland is SEK 500 000. Safe at Sea AB will also invest the same amount in the project.
For more information contact: Linda Ahl
More information about Region Västra Götaland.