Björgunarsveitin Eining, a rescue team based in the town of Breiðdalsvík on the east side of Iceland has now had their first RescueRunner system for two years and decided to invest in another one.
After attending a presentation/demonstration made by Safe at Sea in Fáskrúðsfjörður; Iceland three years ago, the Björgunarsveitin Eining team were closely studying their “sister” sea rescue team in Fáskrúðsfjörður who invested in a Rescuerunner system already then at the time. They were impressed with how versatile and what a great work the RescueRunners did for the Fáskrúðsfjörður team and in 2019 decided to invest in their first own RescueRunner system. So this system will be their second.
To read the press release: